One Health, a mobile-first website,  was created to provide a place where users can manage their health needs in a centralized health portal.

Project: End-to end Responsive Mobile Design

Timeline: 3 months

Role: Sole designer- Research, UX/UI, Branding, Prototyping, Testing


Personal health is something that affects all of us in one shape or form. Managing one’s health or a loved one’s health can oftentimes be overwhelming. How can we help people to better manage their health so that preventative care and leading healthier lives would be a priority? 



Taking a closer look at popular health apps, assessing strengths and weaknesses of potential competitors.


Five interviews were conducted: 3 in- person interviews and 2 telephonic interviews. The ages of the participants ranged from 30 to 65 years old.

Questions about what participants thought about their personal health needs, pain points they have experienced with managing health, and how they manage their own or loved ones’ health were asked.

  • Insights gained from interviews:

    • 2 of 5 interviewees state that having a single platform specific to their insurance plan to track all health needs has been very convenient

    • 1 of 5 interviewees states that she wishes there was a single platform she could use to manage health needs

    • 2 of 5 interviewees express frustration in finding medical appointments

    • 5 of 5 interviewees are keeping track of their health in some way



  • It was found that:

  • -The concept of personal health played a role in all interviewees’ their day to day lives

  • -Participants experienced difficulties with managing appointments from different providers as well as frustrations that came with finding appointments that were available close in time.

  • -Being a part of a health plan where users can manage all of their health concerns in one platform, alleviated a lot of stress regarding managing their health due to the streamlined process.

    -Some interviewees prioritize fitness goals while others prioritize managing chronic health conditions.


After gathering and synthesizing research, three user personas were created.

Creating a Solution: Ideation

How might we reduce the stress people are experiencing while working with multiple different providers and specialists?

Two potential solutions were chosen to be storyboarded in the sketches shown above:

The sketch on left illustrates a feature for users to make appointments and receive reminders.

The sketch on the right illustrates a feature for users to manage all of their health needs in one platform by being able to upload medical records from various providers in one platform.

Product Features

After exploring different ideas, three main features were selected to focus on:

-Creating a user account

-Document Center: Uploading and Viewing documents

-Appointment Finder: Searching for appointments

User Flows

User flowers were created for the three features:

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Create an Account

Create an Account

Document Center: Upload a file

Document Center: View file

Appointments: Find Care

Document Center: Upload a file


The primary color green was chosen as it represents life, vitality, health. I chose a monochromatic color palette to create a simple aesthetic

The name of the product, One Health, was chosen to represent a singular platform for users to manage their various health needs.

The logo was created to include a symbol that is an homage to the medical cross, a symbol of health and healing in medicine.

A sans serif font, Roboto Regular, was chosen to support the simple aesthetic of the brand.

High-Fidelity Wireframes

Integrating visual design and branding into wireframes.


Usability Testing

Moderated testing was conducted to gain further insight. Users were also asked to provide feedback if completing a task took a long time or was confusing. 

Who? Total of 6 participants ranging from ages 30-35.

What? Participants were asked to complete 4 tasks

Task 1: Please Create an Account with One Health
Task 2: Upload an image in the Document Center and label it "X-Ray Dental".
Task 3: View a document "X-Ray Dental"
Task 4: Search for an appointment with a Primary Care Provider and make an appointment with Dr. Doe at 9:00 on June 25, 2024.

Measuring Success

Success was measured by: Successful completion of the task vs. Unsuccessful completion of task

All tasks had 100% Success Rate

Task 1: 37% Misclicks
Task 2: 18% Misclicks
Task 3: 23% Misclicks
Task 4: 48% Misclicks

Time to completion of tasks
Task 1: 18 secs average time to completion
Task 2: 33 secs average time to completion
Task 3: 20 secs average time to completion
Task 4: 34 secs average time to completion

-Some misclicks due to participants trying to explore various sections of prototype outside of task.

-Some confusion with participants regarding the prototype for pre populated input for account creation and finding a provider.

-Some participant thought they had to type out the words themselves.

Document Center: View file

Appointments: Find Care

Final Revisions

Conducting user testing was valuable as it gave insight on product usability and the user experience. After looking at usability testing results as well as hearing feedback from participants, some revisions were made.

Priority Revisions included:
-Added a Disabled Button on the Document Upload screen to be consistent with the other screens as well as the address the misclicks shown during usability testing.
-Changed the wording from Health Records to Health Tracker to minimize confusion between “records” and “documents” that was evident after reviewing misclicks during usability testing.

Before and After: Adding a disabled button on Document Upload

Conclusions & Next Steps


  • Taking care of one’s health is a part of everyone’s life in some shape or form

  • Participants were interested in a singular platform to manage their health needs

  • Completing this project was enjoyable and insightful for me as I was able to take research and feedback from users to create One Health

Next Steps

  • Evaluate potential features to add and integrate into One Health such as:

    • Adding map feature and review feature for Provider Search

    • Feature to allow users to sync appointments to desktop or mobile calendar

Participants unaware that they needed to input Name of Document before proceeding.

Before and After: Adding a disabled button on Document Upload

Changed the Upload button to disabled until user inputs Name of Document

Health Records was changed to Health Tracker after receiving feedback from participants that there was confusion on Health Records versus Document Center.